Hej! Trevligt Att Träffas 👋

Jag heter Brian och jag är en datateknik student på Chalmers Tekniska Högskola. Jag har programmerat sedan gymnasiet och skapat IoT-enheter och applikationer. Jag fortsatt med programmering och lärt mig olika koncept som funktionell programmering, objektorienterad programmering, datastrukturer, parallell programmering osv. För tillfället lär jag mig fullstack-utveckling med Next.js. Har dessutom programmerat i Python, JavaScript, C#, C++ och Java.

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Personal website
This project is a personal website developed using Next.js 13, React, and Tailwind CSS. It provides individuals with a modern platform to showcase their information, portfolio, and more. The website offers a fast and dynamic user experience through Next.js, utilizes React for efficient component management, and applies Tailwind CSS for responsive and customizable styling. The project combines cutting-edge technologies to create an attractive and user-friendly personal website.
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Advent of Code
Advent of Code is about solving problems and writing algorithms. For each task, the goal is to write a program for given input, returns the right output. And these are my answers for these 12/24 challenges. More information can be seen here: https://adventofcode.com/2022/
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Webscraper for task automation
This was developt to automate task within a web game. A task which would normally be manually done every hour of the day, is automated using a series of scripts. The bot could also run based on commands sent by users, within a certain discord channel. Apart from user input, the bot can also run in timed interval or at certain times based on a pre-written schedule. To make it more convinient for the host to run the script, it also runs headless. Meaning no UI is visible while performing the webscraping.